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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

Thoughtfulness Explained

In this post we talk about the most powerful buyer psychology tactic. And we give the best possible example to explain it.

A Word on Remarketing

Remarketing/retargeting is incredibly powerful. With custom landing pages you can make it even more powerful.

Simple Insight

Your site visitors don’t see 83% of what’s on your page. What do we do to ensure the 17% they DO notice is what you care about the most? This article proposes an idea.

Gradually, Then Suddenly

Us marketers have ignored mobile users for too long. Something big is brewing and we need to sit up and take notice.

System 1 vs. System 2

Starbucks app gamification and how that relates to System 1 (irrational) and System (rational) thinking modes.

Need Your Input

This is you: you do a Google search for a branded keyword (Big Ass Fans). Where do your eyes focus on in this screenshot? I have a theory I’m exploring. Will reveal my answer after collecting a few comments:

6 Ways Amazon Sucks

It’s 2019 and here are the 6 ways in which Amazon is terrible. If you want to compete against Amazon here are the 6 ways in which to do it.


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