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This is you: you do a Google search for a branded keyword (Big Ass Fans).
Where do your eyes focus on in this screenshot? I have a theory I’m exploring. Will reveal my answer after collecting a few

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Comments 10
Middle fan image, top right
ReplyRishi Rawat
Hi, Brita. Row 2 column 3?
ReplyThe fan images on the the far right
Images on the right.. more specifically the image on the top right
ReplyFan images on right
ReplyImages, and the Quorum fan in particular.
Also, the way the top advertiser has Commercial Fans and Industrial Fans with so much white space would make it easy to think that this was Big Ass Fans and two of their product categories. If you weren’t paying attention, you might click right on that.
ReplyRishi Rawat
“If you weren’t paying attention, you might click right on that.” great point, Lars.
I fixated on Quorum too.
I posted this question on LinkedIn last week. Looks like most people picked Quorum or MinkaAire (second-row image, extreme right). My theory on what’s going on here:
ReplyHey Rishi
I initially noticed the images on the right side. But they all kind of mottled together for me, so then I looked to the left and fixated on the ORANGE-RED STARS for the rating underneath the ad for
ReplyRishi Rawat
Ron: so then I looked to the left and fixated on the ORANGE-RED STARS for the rating underneath the ad for
ReplyRishi: That’s really interesting. You’re the first to comment on the rating count. My theory on what’s going on here:
Top right fan and the one under that top right fan.