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Selling 18th Century Items Using YouTube

Every e-tailer (big-small, broad-niche, impulse buy-pricey stuff, PPC-SEO, single purchase-lifetime value) has a definite set of strengths and weaknesses.  The key to success is focusing on your strengths. Jas-townsend.com is a niche e-tailer that is good at making product videos, which they use abundantly throughout their site.  I wonder how many conversions can be directly attributed to these clever videos? …

Charlie Rose Brain Series

This fascinating 53 minute video talks about how the brain makes decisions (economic and moral)–

Williams-sonoma.com Adds Talking Pictures

Over the next few years online retailers will increasingly start depending on video as a selling tool. Once ready for video these etailers would gain much by studying williams-sonoma.com. Not only is the company a pioneer but their videos are high quality and really accentuate the shopping experience. Excellent execution, Mr. Patrick Connolly. In the previous post I noted that …


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