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Understand Marketing Psychology to Multiply Conversions

Understanding marketing psychology has never been more important than it is right now. As the online marketplace is saturated with a dizzying number of options, consumers are more discerning and selective than ever before. 

They have to be. The average person sees somewhere around 347 banner ads per day.

In this crowded space, marketers must grasp the psychology behind consumer behavior to stand out, attract, and retain their target audience’s interest. So, keep reading for valuable marketing psychology insights and one wild card that’ll get you way ahead of the competition. 

First, the boring (but super important) stuff.

Marketing Psychology Tip #1: Know Thy Audience

What are their fears, desires, and pain points? The better you understand your audience, the more effectively you can use marketing psychology tools to tailor your offer and resonate with them on a personal level.

Marketing Psychology Tip #2: Tap Into Emotional Triggers 

Emotions drive decision-making. As a savvy business owner, it’s your job to tap into those emotions and use them to your advantage. Whether it’s the fear of missing out, the joy of discovery, or the satisfaction of solving a problem for themselves and the ones they love, emotions play a powerful role in shaping consumer behavior.

Marketing Psychology Tip #3: Harness the Power of Social Proof: 

Ever wonder why we’re more likely to try a new restaurant if a friend recommends it? That’s social proof, and it’s one of the most potent tools of marketing psychology. We tend to look to others for guidance, especially when we’re unsure about a decision. By showcasing testimonials, reviews, and endorsements from satisfied customers, you can leverage social proof to build trust and credibility with your audience.

There’s more—there’s so much more—but I really want to get to the good stuff. So for now, if you haven’t already, I’ll say go check out The 9 Truths about Online Shoppers for more marketing psychology insights.

What I want to do now is show you the wild card. Ready?

Marketing Psychology the Frictionless Way

First, let me say that by researching marketing psychology, you’re already ahead of your peers. But what you’re about to find isn’t about getting ahead, it’s about making your competitors irrelevant.

For more than a decade, we’ve been conducting experiments 🧪 and fine-tuning strategies in our marketing lab 🥼 With our clients investing over $2.9 million, our journey has been rich with insights, some more surprising than others.

One crucial lesson we’ve learned is that attempting to capture every site visitor is like trying to boil the ocean—it’s simply not feasible. There’s a much smarter approach, and we have marketing psychology to thank for that, too.

In reality, your site visitors can be categorized into three distinct groups:

Marketing psychology illustration of three groups:
— Ready to buy.
— Interested but not convinced.
— Unlikely to convert.

— Ready to buy.
Interested but not convinced.
— Unlikely to convert.

You already have the first group in hand, and targeting the third is a waste of valuable time and resources.

The key, we’ve discovered, is to narrow your focus to the second group. We’ve spent 15 years targeting and converting this audience.

More than a marketing trick

Now you know our target audience, those leaning in with interest—curious shoppers who take in your product page fully, looking for the info they need to push them over the edge and hit buy, and not finding it.

Here’s how we target this group for a staggering 20% surge in conversions within a mere 90 days, all without taking a hatchet to your product page.

Step 1: Map out High-Visibility Locations

We carefully place CTAs in easy-to-spot yet out-of-the-way areas on your website. The goal is to ensure maximum exposure to our target audience and minimum friction for the rest of your visitors. Below we’ve highlighted these locations with red arrows for clarity.

marketing psychology CTA placement

Step 2: Build the Sales Pitch

Once your visitors click on any of our compelling CTAs, all others fade away. What awaits them is a carefully customized pop-up sales pitch custom-built to convert.

This pitch is based on the 9 Truths About Online Shoppers. Our 9 truths formula allows us to build many effective sales pitches, using the most impactful insights we’ve gained about shoppers.

Step 3: Find the Winning Pitch

But we don’t know which pitch will convert this audience best, so we need to A/B test multiple versions of our sales pitch. That’s it! That’s how we get a guaranteed minimum of 20% more conversions in so little time.

To see the 3 steps in action, check out this article.

Ok, but where is the evidence?

I get it, you want proof—I know I would. This strategy is the base formula for all our conversion work for clients. It’s what we’ve used to boost sales for sports products. To sell skincare productsPet productsConsumer electronicsAthletic gearBack pain solutionsFood items.

Does the sales pitch always need to be shown as a popup? Nope.

It can also convert cold Facebook ad traffic, improve mobile conversion ratesgenerate calls, optimize your landing pageetc. You can also use it to improve your overall conversion rates.

Want to watch it work for you? Comment ‘SHOW ME 20%’ below.


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