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Unknown Marketing Tricks for Boosting Conversions

Every marketer dreams of discovering a hidden realm of secrets, complete with the marketing tricks for skyrocketing sales and unparalleled conversions.

Ok, so maybe this isn’t that, but it’s the next best thing.

If you’re here, then you’re not just trying to beat your competition; you want a marketing strategy that makes your rivals irrelevant. 

Well, I’ve got you. In the decades (yes, decades) I’ve spent studying why people buy online and how to get them over the edge, I’ve picked up quite a few marketing tricks for boosting conversions.

From run-of-the-mill urgency marketing

marketing tricks
scarcity timer

To ever-green social proof

marketing tricks
social proof

And everything in between.

But, that’s not what you’re here for.

By researching marketing tricks, you’re already ahead of the competition. But what if I told you there’s an online strategy beyond the usual tricks that’s consistently gotten me nearly illegal conversion rates?

And what if you could use my marketing strategy right now—before everyone’s talking about it?

Better than Marketing Tricks—The Frictionless Way

First things first, who’s our target?

For over a decade, we’ve been tinkering in our marketing lab 🥼 testing ideas 🧪 and refining strategies. With over $2.9 million invested by our clients, we’ve learned a whole lot.

For one, we know trying to capture every site visitor isn’t practical; it’s like trying to boil the ocean. There’s a smarter way.

In reality, your site visitors fall into three groups:

— Ready to buy.
Interested but not convinced.
— Unlikely to convert.

The key, we’ve discovered, is to narrow your focus to the second group. We’ve spent 15 years targeting and converting this audience because we believe this group of visitors deserves 100% of your attention.


Ok, so maybe this is a marketing trick

Now you know our target audience, those leaning in with interest—curious shoppers who take in your product page fully, looking for the info they need to push them over the edge and hit buy, and not finding it.

Here’s how we target this group for a staggering 20% surge in conversions within a mere 90 days, all without taking a hatchet to your product page.

Step 1: Map out High-Visibility Locations

We carefully place CTAs in easy-to-spot yet out-of-the-way areas on your website. The goal is to ensure maximum exposure to our target audience and minimum friction for the rest of your visitors. Below we’ve highlighted these locations with red arrows for clarity.

marketing tricks
CTAs demonstrated

Step 2: Build the Sales Pitch

Once your visitors click on any of our compelling CTAs, all others fade away. What awaits them is a carefully customized pop-up sales pitch custom-built to convert.

This pitch is based on the 9 Truths About Online Shoppers. Our 9 truths formula allows us to build many effective sales pitches, using the most impactful insights we’ve gained about shoppers.

Step 3: Find the Winning Pitch

But we don’t know which pitch will convert this audience best, so…

marketing tricks
we A/B test dozens of copy variations to find which flavor works best for your product page

To see the 3 steps in action, check out this article.

Marketing fantasy?

I get it, you want evidence. I know I would. This wildly successful strategy is the base formula for all our conversion work for clients. It’s what we’ve used to boost sales for sports products. To sell skincare productsPet productsConsumer electronicsAthletic gearBack pain solutionsFood items.

Does the sales pitch always need to be shown as a popup? Nope.

It can also convert cold Facebook ad traffic, improve mobile conversion ratesgenerate calls, optimize your landing pageetc. You can also use it to improve your overall conversion rates.

Want to watch it work for you in real time? Comment ‘SHOW ME 20%’ below.


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