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Price Valid From [08/21/2014] to [09/10/2014]

To minimize cart abandon rates homedepot.com shows shoppers how much they’re saving (in this case 33%) and also reminds them that the saving they’re about to enjoy is only valid few more days— Great way to incentivize on-the-fence shoppers to take action today.  Homedepot.com knows shoppers who leave thinking ‘they’ll be back real soon’ tend not to return.

Quick View Solution

In a previous post I debated if Quick View interface was really needed.  Basically, Quick View is a mechanism online retailers use to allow shoppers to buy directly from subcategory pages (bypassing the product page).  Example— When Quick View is clicked a lightbox like this appears— Why I hate Quick View— product images on category pages are shrunk down, and Quick …

Commercials Don’t Have to Be Expensive

Debspecs.com is an online retailer of reading glasses. They wanted to make a web commercial for new site visitors. This is what they created— Sure it isn’t anywhere close to the polished product they would have got working with an advertising agency, but it also probably took 1/15th the time to complete and cost 99% less. And it still fulfills the …

Put Your Face on It

On swansonvitamins.com not only do they show Risk-Free Purchase Guarantee on product pages they show Lee Swanson’s picture next to the guarantee message for added effect. And I can tell you, these tactics work—

Powerful About Us Page

About Us pages on most sites read like a forced assignment, there is no soul in them.  And then I stumbled on this About Us page on bigbellybanks.com— Thank you for checking out my Big Belly Banks.  I get up every morning and thank God for the small business that I have.  I’m proud to design and make a unique, …

Gimmicks Can Work

Backcarebasics.com shows this popup when a new visitor lands on site— I entered my email just to see what was behind Discount Code Will Appear Here.

Faceless Customer Service

In my opinion showing a faceless man is the creepiest way to draw attention to your customer service number—

The Right Advertisement to the Right Audience

LDproducts.com is a site that used to only sell printer supplies. I first visited ldproducts.com a few years ago, since then they’ve expanded to a whole line of office supplies. When I went to their site recently I saw this homepage overlay message— This overlay is a home run because— A. It’s only targeted to visitors who last visited when ldproducts.com …

Unique About Us Page

Cadence is a watch brand. Here is a screenshot of the top section of their About Us page— I love 2 things about it— 1: As you scroll down the page the brand story is revealed, and it’s written really well and presented in a highly readable way.2: As you scroll down to read About Us content, from the left …

Make Me Feel Special

I was on scrapbook.com and noticed this clever email signup popup— “Shhh..don’t tell anyone.”— makes me feel special.“HINT: We’ve got one running right now.”— creates urgency and makes me want to signup right away.

Clever Way to Capture Email

On horse.com this popup appears on landing pages— Couple observations— 1: Well designed.  Design matters. 2: Creates sense of urgency via Limited Time ONLY! banner.  Could be more effective if they showed dynamic date.  Example— Offer Ends [current date + 4]. 3: They use a non-generic promo code (0EC211Y8IJ).  This is an important detail because when shoppers see generic coupon …

When Something Needs to Be Highlighted, Highlight the Heck out of It

Zappos.com is proud of its free shipping free returns policy.  So they want to ensure every visitor sees it.  When you first land on their homepage (does not repeat during session) they play a short but prominent animation to highlight free shipping free returns (top right corner of the video below)—

Interesting— Pay with Two Debit/Credit Cards

Apple.com presents an interesting option on their payment page (red arrow in screenshot below)— When “Pay with two debit/credit cards” is clicked an additional payment option appears where you can split payment between two credit/debit cards— Does this add friction or solve a problem?

Great Email Marketing Subject Line

Add a personal annual calendar reminder for April 1st so you too can send an email like this to your list on April 2nd (assuming sending occasional sales emails is part of your email marketing strategy).


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