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Geotargeted PPC

While driving through Kentucky I did a search for wayfarer and saw this ad (screenshot below). Notice how Kentucky has been dynamically inserted into PPC copy: Running the same search in Michigan showed this: Really smart. Wayfair used Serendipity and geotargeting to connect with me as a potential customer. By adding my state to their Google Adwords, I as a shopper …

Customize Your Welcome Message

Thecoverguy.com is based out of New York. I live in Michigan. When I visit their homepage this is the welcome message that greets me: Despite being a business based in New York, the first line of copy says “Made to handle Michigan’s Harsh Winter Climate.” This uses the Serendipity tactic to create a feeling in the user that this product …


Miracle Method specializes in restoring tubs, ceramic tile, and countertops. When you visit their homepage you’ll see this nifty before/after widget (screenshot): My video to describe how widget works: They could have just shown a video but adding a sliding bar that the user controls is what makes it effective. Remember: conversion rates go up when users feel they are …


Imagine this scenario: you A/B test an idea and it does well.  The second test also does well.  And the third test ends up outperforming both preceding tests.  Now you test the fourth idea and it underperforms.  The fifth and sixth ideas also underperform. Does this mean we need to move on because we’ve discovered the best version of this page?  …

(Unfair) Importance of Newest Review

I was on a product page that had 562 reviews with an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars. 96% of respondents said they’d recommend this product to a friend. That’s amazing, right? We’ll, it depends. While the overall stats are impressive their latest review was very negative: This one negative review stopped me on my tracks. It’s silly …

What’s Your Story?

I don’t understand why most sites either: 1: Don’t tell their story. 2: Tell a formulaic story. There is no template for an About Us page.  All you have to do is give the world a glimpse of who you are and what you stand for. The first thing balsamiq.com does when you land on their homepage is show a …

Cinco de Mayo Discount

Last Thursday (May 5th) was Cinco de Mayo.  In your estimation which of these 2 coupon codes got more usage? Option 1: Option 2 (ignore my terrible image editing skills):

Optimize for the Right Goal

I recently signed up for a racquetball league at my local gym.  League fees are $65 (whole season) and gym membership is $150/month.  When I went on my league day I noticed 83% of the 12 racquetball courts were unused. Here are some important details about racquetball courts: 1: They take up physical space. 2: Once you add a court …

Lord & Taylor About Us Page

Lord & Taylor is a giant retail brand with 100s of stores across the US.  They spend millions on advertising.  This is their About Us page: Come on Lord & Taylor, you can do a better job telling your story. Link to live page: https://www.lordandtaylor.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/lord-and-taylor/content-view/About-Us

Is It a Good Idea to Send a Followup Email?

Question: I want to send my mailing list a special discount that will run just 5 days. If I send discount notification email on day 1 and “last day” email on the 5th day what kind of sales lift could I get with “last day” email? Answer: 2.3x

Signup NOW

Within 0.01 seconds of landing on peeledsnacks.com this popup appears: Like, the page hasn’t even fully loaded and the popup is in my face.  Is that the best tactic?  What do you do when you get startled?  I know what I do: I get out of the way (in this case I click the [x]).  In a world where we …


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