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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

Subtle Trick

We marketers scream when we want the user’s attention. We use comically large fonts and ugly color contrasts; not because they’re beautiful, but because we know the loudest elements capture attention. But there is another way. I was on this product page … … and one of the first elements I noticed was the $ symbol to the left of the …

eCommerce, Meet the Retail Store

eCommerce is great. But the one thing it lacks is that between discovering an item and touching it is the pesky shipping bit.  Traditional retail mostly sucks but at least we can touch the heck out of anything on a shelf. Enter b8ta (www.b8ta.com).  b8ta is the first brick-and-mortar retailer architected to help you discover, experience, and buy the latest …

Did Not Encrypt This Message

If you’re using email marketing you need to aware of this new Gmail feature where it notifies email receivers if your email was encrypted.  If it isn’t encrypted a red open padlock icon appears: And on mouseover the user is told this message isn’t encrypted: Most ISPs should be taking care of this but if your mailing list is seeing …

Even Giants Make Mistakes

Don’t be too hard on your team if your site has a broken link.  It happens.  Even Google makes mistakes. Smart Goals is a newish feature in Google Analytics.  I wanted to learn more so I clicked their help file link: On clicking Learn more about Smart Goals I saw this-

Segment or Die

Email marketing is a magical thing.  Instead of waiting for a new or past buyer to stumble on your site, with email marketing you can take a product page and literally send it to the subscriber’s inbox. But because marketers exploit email marketing so much its effectiveness goes down with each passing year.  Shoppers are getting more emails, and they’re …

Jerry’s Bloopers

Jeromes.com is a furniture site.  On their homepage they have a link to a page called Jerry’s Bloopers (pointed by the red arrow in the screenshot below): First of all, this is a super clever page name and the link begs to be clicked. Then, when you do click it you’re greeted by this banner– Very clever. I love it. If you …

Free Shipping for Everyone

I predict that in 5 years free shipping will be the norm. Let me paint a picture.  E-commerce started to take off 8 years ago because manufacturers who were paying slotting fees (definition) to stores like Macy’s and Sears realized they could use Google AdWords to directly establish 1:1 relationships with their customers, and save a crap load of money. …

This Is How an Email Address Is Captured …

I was on owletcare.com.  Then I moved my mouse to exit the site and saw this popup– This is a very clever strategy because while owletcare.com knows I’m not going to buy right now (I’m exiting in under 30 seconds) they want to at least get some demographic info about me.  And what’s even more clever is that they’ve shown …

Best Gift for December 24th

This is the best gift a retailer can offer on the 24th– Which is why backcountry.com advertises it right on their homepage. Happy Holidays!

One Size DOESN’T Fit All

The beauty of the Internet is that it allows us to be different things to different people. Let’s take the case of a vacation planning site. There are budget vacationers who are willing to travel during the off-season in return for a good deal. And there are price-insensitive shoppers who only want to go when the weather is perfect (i.e. prices are high). …


Having a great product is critically important. But if people don’t click your ad they’ll never find out about it— I have no idea what’s up with the bearded guy behind the coder dude but I sure want to find out.

Halloween Promo

Don’t just slap on a seasonal promo message.  Make it a branded experience, like Revant does (maker of premium lenses)–

Strategic Chat

Proactive.com does something clever. On their checkout page when a shopper clicks the “Terms and Conditions” link to read terms Proactive proactively shows a chat popup– The lesson here is that if there is a spot on your checkout where shoppers drop off it’s a good idea to go the extra mile to address concerns of shoppers who reach that …

Sometimes, Adding Friction Improves Conversions

When I landed on llbean.com through a PPC ad I was greeted by this popup– CLICK HERE TO ACTIVATE button could have been eliminated. They could have just shown the SAVE10 coupon code. Normally, reducing steps improves conversions. But in this case, llbean.com is adding friction (the need to click a button to activate coupon code) and it’s a brilliant strategy. Why? Because CLICK HERE …


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