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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

Halloween Promo

Don’t just slap on a seasonal promo message.  Make it a branded experience, like Revant does (maker of premium lenses)–

Strategic Chat

Proactive.com does something clever. On their checkout page when a shopper clicks the “Terms and Conditions” link to read terms Proactive proactively shows a chat popup– The lesson here is that if there is a spot on your checkout where shoppers drop off it’s a good idea to go the extra mile to address concerns of shoppers who reach that …

Sometimes, Adding Friction Improves Conversions

When I landed on llbean.com through a PPC ad I was greeted by this popup– CLICK HERE TO ACTIVATE button could have been eliminated. They could have just shown the SAVE10 coupon code. Normally, reducing steps improves conversions. But in this case, llbean.com is adding friction (the need to click a button to activate coupon code) and it’s a brilliant strategy. Why? Because CLICK HERE …

Monday Inspiration

Next time someone from your team makes a mistake be more forgiving.  Because we all make them.  1. AdSense is the second most important way in which Google makes money.  2. Mobile is the biggest shift in how consumers use the web. Screenshots below are of Google’s AdSense mobile page.  Notice the poor formatting (NEXT: button right below Why AdSense? doesn’t fit …

Moving Away from Norm Can Be a Conversion Killer

When I’m on a shipping page I expect to see this basic template– But sears.com asks for an extra piece of mandatory info.  They ask for County name– Why do they do this?  I don’t even know my county name.  I’m guessing many shoppers don’t.

The 2 Most Important Details on a Product Page

Your product page design should be based on the type of product being sold.  If a shopper is buying a technical product, complex product, a product they aren’t familiar with, a product that’s very expensive, then they are going to focus on your product description.  But for all other cases product image + customer reviews are the most important details.  …

Why eCommerce Is Such a Big Deal

The magic of ecommerce is that it allows a retail entrepreneur to launch a virtual store that would have failed as a brick and mortar space. For example, livingstonepillow.com is a site that sells pillows shaped like pebbles. This is an idea that only appeals to 0.01% of US shoppers– It would be silly to open a retail store for …

Graphs are Powerful

If you’re running a super-efficient business (and ecommerce is way more efficient than traditional retail) then you’re offering shoppers excellent savings. But, if you don’t explain ‘how’ these savings are possible shoppers might associate low prices with poor quality. Saatvamattress.com uses a simple visual technique to communicate the amazing savings they offer– Saatva brings its luxurious mattresses to you for …

Orders of Magnitude

Most online retailers smile when they hit 30,000 Facebook fans. Rareseeds.com sells heirloom seeds.  Not only do they have 469,000 Facebook fans they also have 5,300 customers who’ve given them 5 out of 5 stars on Facebook reviews.  That’s five thousand three hundred five star ratings.  Think about that for a minute–

Starting the Process

The most important step in driving conversion rates is to get the shopper to take an action that clearly demonstrates interest. It doesn’t have to be a big action, the smallest of actions will do. Something magical happens once an action is taken. When a visitor first lands on the site their personal investment is 0, and with 0 investment you have no …

Geotargeted Reviews

For years I’ve been thinking about a test idea that combines these 2 facts– 1: Shoppers are more likely to convert when they can read reviews. 2: For a shopper in [Michigan] reading a review of another shopper who also happens to live in [Michigan] is a strong influencer.  Here [Michigan] can be any state. And then, I discovered a …


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