Advertising New Inventions
If you think advertising a vacuum cleaner is hard, consider how hard it must have been to advertise the first one.
In fact, let’s look at the launch of all types of new inventions.
First washing machine:
The first two-horn phonograph. Louder and richer sound. I can see how this ad grabbed attention, but selling someone a two-horn model when, in their mind, their aesthetic is a one-horn model must have been hard.
Motion picture. My favorite invention.
Interesting ad for a 3D shower. Why did we stop using it? Sounds so much better than the crappy showers we use today.
30 years before the invention of the refrigerator, this coin-operated machine helped the retailer store and serve chilled soda. Insert the warm bottle on one end and pull out a chilled one on the other. Wow.
Advertising a new invention: radio with the dials on top. Eliminates the need to squat. I can see the marketer had fun with this.
Portable radio. Take it to the beach.
The first Hoover ad!
Advertising new inventions— the first garbage disposal ad.
First handheld scientific calculator by HP.
Are You a Marketer?
I suspect you are because the subject of advertising new inventions is of great interest to marketers.
And if you are a marketer and liked this article, boy, do I have something fun for you.
Revealing It All
In our marketing lab 🥼, experimenting 🧪 for the last 15 years, we’ve discovered that one reason marketing campaigns fail is because they try to do too much.
Site visitors fall into 3 groups:
— Ready to buy
— Will never buy
— Interested, but need a little more convincing
The 3rd group has the biggest revenue potential.
Evidence Our Formula Works
This strategy mentioned above isn’t a theoretical framework. It’s the base formula for all our conversion work for clients. This marketing framework can be used to boost sales for sports products. To sell skincare products. Pet products. Consumer electronics. Athletic gear. Back pain solutions. Food items. High-end cooking tools. Plant growth soil.
Does the sales pitch always need to be shown as a popup? Nope.
It can also convert cold Facebook ad traffic, improve mobile conversion rates, generate calls, optimize your most important landing page, etc.
It can even be used to improve your overall conversion rates.
Converting Interested, but Need a Little More Convincing Group (With Examples)
Explained in this👇🏼 Nine Truths article: