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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

Do You Have An Authentic Story?

Tabasco does… https://www.tabasco.com/popup/auth_audio_tour/ I bet their marketing department made this in under 200 bucks.

Talking FAQs

Sharing an example of a clever e-tailer that embeds audio FAQs on product pages. Screenshot- This is a great example of the right solution for the appropriate product. SYCLOVIR is a fungal cream most people might not have heard of (I know I hadn’t). Anyone considering a purchase would need to be convinced about its efficacy. In this situation, audio FAQs are very effective.

Make Feedback Easy…

… and people will participate: This is a great format for Net Promoter Score.

Tough Love

If your entire business model hinges on unconditional customer love then all you are doing is delaying the inevitable. If you want customers to stay help them understand why your store is a better alternative than competition (brick-and-mortar or online).

Price Elasticity Parabola

If there is one defining characteristic of ecommerce it’s the retailer’s ability to experiment with pricing.  And yet, I have never, not once, been asked to run a test that validates a client’s assumption about product prices.  It’s as though they have a Platonic sense of what the market is willing to bear.  Now, I understand that it isn’t just …

Anchor Product

Most shoppers enter and leave sites quickly which makes it a challenge for brands to tell their story. We already know landing pages, content, and site design play a role in slowing shoppers but I think retailers can do a better job using their anchor products. An anchor product is a product that does a really good job of grabbing …

EMO (Email Marketing Optimization)

As I start this post I must confess my SEO knowledge is limited so if you see any gaping holes please point them out.  Ok.  For this example let’s consider a gourmet popcorn e-tailer called kukuruza.com.  Here is the situation (all made up)–  The key phrase gourmet chocolate popcorn is important for KuKuRuZa.  It has a high conversion rate and …

Early Stage Leads

I’m considering buying a printer so I started by entering this search phrase on Google: Here are the paid ads that showed up: The Xerox ad is better than Epson’s but neither truly capitalizes on the opportunity. An ad copy like “Learn how Xerox laser printers compare to inkjets” might have worked better.

Strength In Numbers

Shoppers like to know other shoppers have purchased from an e-tailer before.  This is why customer reviews are so effective.  But, as Jared Spool eloquently demonstrated in his Revealing Design Treasures presentation roughly 1,300 purchases generate 1 review, so for many smaller e-tailers product reviews are often empty.  But that does not mean we can’t build trust in a visitor.  …

Brick & Mortar eCommerce

Yesterday the eBay Mobile Boutique pulled into Michigan Avenue to give brick and mortar shoppers a taste of eCommerce…

Capturing Intent

Like most e-tailers, overstock.com suffers from the 3% conversion infection.  I don’t actually know their conversion rate but let’s just go with the industry-standard here. We know everything about the 3% that transacted but very little about the 97% that didn’t.  Yes, we could study their click trails but that’s indirect evidence. Overstock’s solution- A big, prominent, inviting search box: …

A Special Retailer

I caught this video via Seth who caught it via David: As a customer these are the experiences we crave.


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