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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

Customized Product Comparison Table

There is one really important aspect of improved conversions: when you let the user drive their own experience they convert at a higher rate. Drip.com understands this. When you go to their comparison page instead of showing a table with 3 pre-selected competitors Drip allows users to select the competitors they want to compare Drip against, thus improving the relevancy …

Time and Conversion Rates

People are kinetic creatures. We are never stagnant. Our views and behaviors change based on outside stimuli, whether that’s the time of day, what side of the bed we woke up on, or, are we hungry? You’d think these things wouldn’t have any effect on important things like our jobs or the future of others but you’re wrong. In a …

Quick View: Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Many sites show QUICK VIEW option on category pages. The idea, I guess, is to help the shopper buy directly from the category page. See red arrow in screenshot below: On click: Is there evidence these actually improve conversion rates? Based on the research (https://baymard.com/blog/ecommerce-quick-views) I’ve seen, and experienced firsthand, they likely have a negative impact. This reminds me of …


Ecommerce is great for ideas that are utterly impractical as a physical store but make perfect sense when connecting a wide market even if only 1 in 10,000 people would be interested. Stockx.com is such an example. It’s a secondary market for sneakers. Super niche, super successful:

To Grab Attention Present Things Differently

I really like this tactic being used on ionsolar.com. It all comes down to being unexpected. So many sites put the grand total of happy customers – this is expected. People will gloss over this. Why? Because shoppers’ brains are filtering out marketing speak. This approach, on the other hand, makes the reader stop and think for a second because …

We All Make Mistakes

I’m not sharing this to bash the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). I’m sharing it to demonstrate how easy it is to make a mistake. Basically, someone in their IT department needs to configure outgoing email (DKIM and SPF):

Active Versus Passive Marketing

There are basically two types of marketing: passive and active. Passive marketing is bottom of the barrel marketing where one is simply keeping up with competitors or implementing ideas based on internal pressures. For example, if your CEO asks to increase email channel sales contribution from 5% to 6% and you respond by increasing email messaging frequency by 20% then …

Email Signup Trick

Every site shows an email signup popup, and 98% of users click the close button. Why? Because the signup request doesn’t have the right context. The user has just landed on the site, they don’t even know what makes your business unique. Tacklewarehouse.com also needs email sign-ups but they use a clever context tool to present their request. On each …

No One Cares About the Next Order

On your PPC landing pages never show a popup that promises a saving on the second purchase: Shoppers clicking paid search ads (excluding branded ads) have multiple tabs open and are reviewing multiple offers at the same time. They’re in “speed dating” mode. An offer that applies to their next purchase is a total waste. In fact, I’d argue, it …

The 4 Forces

If you’re a marketer you need to tattoo this in your mind. The diagram below is used to understand the forces that are at play when a consumer is considering purchasing a new product or service: The 4 forces are: – The Push of the Current Situation– The Pull of the New Solution– The Anxiety of the New Solution– The Allegiance …

Word Count Doesn’t Matter, Words Do

Marketers know 2 things: 1: The biggest obstacle with buying online is overcoming the trust hurdle. 2: Shoppers have very low attention spans. If it’s more than a few words no one will read it. 1: is true and 2: is false. Word count doesn’t matter, words do. This trust-building page is really long but it’s also very readable and …

Think Different

1: Brick and mortar retail is really cost intensive. 2: Brick and mortar retail can’t compete again Amazon.com. 3: With brick and mortar retail one has to sign long-term storefront leases. 4: Enter Bulletin (bulletin.co). 5: Bulletin takes the flexibility of ecommerce and brings it to brick and mortar world. 6: The advantage of a retail store is the idea …

Copy Sells

We know that making a connection with the consumer can increase conversions through price points, warranties and guarantees, and promotional freebies, but have we overlooked a more powerful connection? Joshua Glenn is writer, editor and brand analyst and Rob Walker is also a writer and contributor to the New York Times. These two creatives came up with an idea to …


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