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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

Fear …

Narrative Control is an attempt to make something positive that is or will be perceived as negative. Fear is something often considered as negative, and since everyone is affected by fear, this poses a great opportunity for Narrative Control. Take for example this ad from ProShares: It’s no doubt that brick-and-mortar stores are being affected from online retailers such as …

Customer Journey

Nice animated graphic by McKinsey to describe customer journey: Key takeaway: More than half of customers- 58 percent– change brands from one purchase cycle to the next. This means, as marketers, we have plenty of opportunities to acquire new customers.

Is Loss Aversion a Real Thing?

Sure it is. Do I (the reader) suffer from it? Yes, you do. Let me prove it. Which option would you pick between 1 and 2 below? Option 1: Get $900 Option 2: Take a 90% chance of winning $1,000 (and a 10% chance of winning 0)? If you picked option 1 you have a full blown case of loss …

Asymmetric Dominance Effect

Is a tactic where an option that is inferior is added to the comparison set. The lesser alternative makes the option that is dominated look more appealing. Experiment 1: Students are presented with 2 annual subscription plans: Option 1: $59 for online access.Option 2: $125 for print and online access. In this experiment, 68% chose print option, while only 32% …

Driving Conversions in a World Where User Attention Is Really Low

Don’t know about you but for me, 2017 has been the year when I’ve had to admit I have a problem. A problem with fragmented attention. Whether it’s email, instant messaging, or even reading research articles on conversion optimization I find it hard to focus for too long. And this doesn’t only apply to my work and personal life. This …

Stories Matter

If you have the ability to tell an amazing story you can mark-up some things 1,200%, even candy floss. And story isn’t just words, it’s also the packaging. Check out Bag of Unicorn Farts: Sells on Amazon for $10.95: And people who buy it aren’t enraged that they could by the same quantity of cotton candy for 20 cents. No, …

Signup Message

One of the most underutilized parts of Serendipity is targeting during holidays. Even something as simple as your email signup can be transformed into a big psychological persuader for the customer. Take this example of an email signup: As you can see, it’s just a normal signup that promises the user 10% off their purchase. The thing is though, a …

Countdown Timer on Steroids

I’m sure you’ve heard about the tactic of adding a countdown mechanism to boost urgency and conversions. (BTW, I don’t think it works). Here is an example of a retailer that is tripling down on that tactic:

Customized Product Comparison Table

There is one really important aspect of improved conversions: when you let the user drive their own experience they convert at a higher rate. Drip.com understands this. When you go to their comparison page instead of showing a table with 3 pre-selected competitors Drip allows users to select the competitors they want to compare Drip against, thus improving the relevancy …

Time and Conversion Rates

People are kinetic creatures. We are never stagnant. Our views and behaviors change based on outside stimuli, whether that’s the time of day, what side of the bed we woke up on, or, are we hungry? You’d think these things wouldn’t have any effect on important things like our jobs or the future of others but you’re wrong. In a …

Quick View: Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Many sites show QUICK VIEW option on category pages. The idea, I guess, is to help the shopper buy directly from the category page. See red arrow in screenshot below: On click: Is there evidence these actually improve conversion rates? Based on the research (https://baymard.com/blog/ecommerce-quick-views) I’ve seen, and experienced firsthand, they likely have a negative impact. This reminds me of …


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