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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

How Powerful is the POWER Trigger?

Very. But first, let’s run down the definition of Power trigger: This is when we let the shopper know they are in the driver seat. It works because when shoppers feel the experience is about them, and not you, they’re much more likely to take action. Now, watch my video:

Reconsidering the Phrase Coupon Code

Video: If you hate watching videos read this: The Zeitgeist affects the emotions phrases evoke. One such phase is “coupon code”. 10 years ago (to me) it meant “use if you have one”. Today (to me) it means “leave this site and Google site.com + coupon code“. But it doesn’t have to be. If the phrase coupon code has been …

How Do You Feel?

Power is one of the most important tactics in marketing. Anytime the user feels that they are in control of the experience they are 3 times more likely to convert. We’ll take an example right here from WordPress. Let’s say you are submitting a ticket to the support team and you are greeted with this page: Nothing out of the …

Play on Magicmurals.com

Play is a tactic where you employ an interactive element to subliminally communicate your marketing message. Why go through the trouble of constructing an interactive element to pitch your marketing message? Because we’re living in a world saturated with marketing messages. I’m going to use a made up example to show how a dash of Play can boost conversions (especially …

What Makes a Good Story?

Of the 7 conversion triggers Story is probably the most powerful. But, what is Story? Story is the emotion we evoke in the mind of the audience. The difference between an average and good story is 512x. Let me illustrate with a story. A sales guy has been working at a mattress store for 5 years. Like most brick and …

Always Let the Shopper Drive the Experience

Ana Ono Intimates is a store in Philadelphia that sells bras for women who’ve had breast reconstruction, breast surgery, or mastectomy. On their site you’re greeted with this popup … … where you can select your treatment stage: This dropdown does something powerful: it changes the dynamics of the ask. Now the customer feels they are being heard because the …

Simple Idea to Boost Your Conversion Rates

We look far and wide for the best marketing growth hacks. I’ll give you the best idea right now: carve out time to just ponder on your biggest marketing challenge. That’s it. Do this and I promise you’ll see a lift.

How is POWER a conversion trigger?

Definition: The idea behind Power trigger is giving the buyer the feeling that they (and not you) are driving the process. And even if the buyer doesn’t actually have full control, what matters is that they believe they do. Watch this video to see how wd40.com uses the Power trigger: The default state of the homepage: Dropdown selected: Once the …

How to Use Serendipity in Email Marketing

Serendipity is one of the 16 conversion tactics. It has two sub-categories: Luck and Clairvoyance. Luck creates the sense that the user is lucky to have come across something on the page. Clairvoyance creates the sense that the seller predicted something about the user. This email from TicketMaster is a great example of Luck within Serendipity: Video: The email: Why …

Can Price Sensitivity Be Influenced? Yes

Written form of the video above: Price sensitivity buckets As marketers, we tend to want to put the consumer into price buckets. I’ve had conversations where the marketer would say: our target audience are retired people, or our target audience are people who make over $130k. This implies an affluent shopper who is price insensitive is price insensitive for ALL …

How “Play” Drives Conversions

There are 2 types of readers of my blog, people who prefer video and those who prefer the written format (I’m looking at you, Lars). Written format: There are 7 levers (that I know of at this point in time) to influence potential shoppers. One of them is PLAY. Play is a tactic where you employ an interactive element to …

Take a Stand

Often, what you stand for is even more important than the product you sell. Flowers for Dreams is a flower shop in Chicago that has an opinion. So, when you get to their site you have to answer a simple question. A question that doesn’t have anything to do with buying flowers:


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