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What do online shoppers think about?

We explore this question on our blog

Top Online-Offline Performers

It’s the end of the year and time for my first Top Online-Offline performers of ’07 listing. Criteria – To be on the list companies had to: – Have ‘07 revenues more than $50 million – Revenue should have grown more than 15% in the year – Should have their own offline and online stores Here are the winners (in …

Holly Buchanan’s Kindle

Holly Buchanan over at grokdotcom.com shared a keen observation in her post today. When she went to Amazon.com the kindle being promoted on her homepage was held by a woman. On my homepage my kindle was held by a man. Fu@$king brilliant.

Which Channel Matters More…

Retailers (with offline businesses bigger than their online channel) would argue that their store shoppers fuel online sales. This argument is fair but these retailers also claim 95% of all online sales come from their offline shoppers. This I have a problem with. The percentage is large, I give them that, but it’s not 95%. I suspect around 60% of …

Email sign-ups — How To’s

Daily Candy sends image heavy emails so they need to make sure customers add them to their address books. And so Daily Candy (unlike other etailers) tells customers how to ‘add to address book’ on the sign-up page. Great great idea. Observe section in blue…… This other example comes from daleandthomaspopcorn.com who, I believe, are the smartest food eTailers in …

Poor Customer Service / Contact Options

The good folks at e-consultancy have put out a must read list of Top 10 most common e-commerce mistakes. I really liked the idea of prominently placing a telephone number at the FAQ page.

Chirstmas Gift Finder

Alfred Dunhill started playing with their eCommerce environment last year and they have already unearthed a pretty neat and engaging interface. Click on the image below to see the ‘live’ tool: Not everything about the gift predictor is perfect though: the interface is heavy, they don’t mention price and matches are a little weak but all in all, it’s a …

The Kindle

Much has been written about Kindle. Most reviews give it a 50/50 chance or call it a failure, but from the vantage point of having no real knowledge of the product I would like to make a bold claim: Kindle will (eventually) change the world. Everything about this product is skewed in Amazons favor: – They own the “last mile” …

Holiday Shopping Tips

While the focus of this Blog is eCommerce, offline retail is still king. For this post I am presenting Mellody Hobson’s shopping tips. Here are my favorites: – Head to the Back The back of the store is where you will always find the sales. They’re out of the way and hard to find, but it’s where the best deals …

Some eTail Best Practices

As we scan through best practices in the eCommerce world 2 common themes emerge: –Leaders set and match customer expectations better than peers–Successful eTailers deliver brand promise consistently through all touch points Amazon.com (1 on IR500 list): By focusing on core innovations: collaborative filtering, onsite search and testing they have grown from carrying books to carrying virtual storefronts of other …

Toward Higher Response Rates

Quantity centric attempts to improve email marketing effectiveness is far too scattered a strategy to ever have metric level dependability. However, it is true that people shop (more) when happy and this is an element marketers could consider when developing email marketing programs. And, it turns out, over a relatively large, related, sample size group behavior is astonishingly predictable. For …

Memorable eCommerce Quotes

eCommerce quotes are like concentrated nuggets of wisdom by some of the smartest people in the world of eCommerce. They will teach you a lot.

Peanut Butter with Asian Curry Spice

Any consultant would advice against selling something as complex as “Peanut Butter with Asian Curry Spice” online. The safest way to sell this flavor is to first get people to try it at your store. At first glance not even you would buy it. But PB Loco seems to have found a creative way to convince people this flavor is …

But Why?

Why do online retailers ask for type of credit card? If it starts with a 4 it is a Visa and if it starts with a 5, it’s MasterCard


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