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The Magic of Deconstruction


We have a multi-step conversion rate optimization process. These steps include:

1. Deconstruction (You are here)

2. Identify Selling Angles

3. Micro-Improvements

4. Long-Form Sales Pitch

Deconstruction is how the marketer ensures the highest possible conversion rates. Deconstruction is a systematic process of tagging every element on the product page — it’s similar to police work at a crime scene or what an archeologist may do at a dig site. In this article, we’ll show you the deconstruction process being applied to one of YETI.com’s (not one of our clients … yet) best-selling products, the Rambler® Tumbler.

Three Reasons Why Deconstruction Matters

Deconstruction does three things:

1: It slows the brain so nothing is accidentally skipped.
2: Helps us learn from what’s there so we can build on top of it.
3: Allows us to look at the page with a fresh set of eyes.

Deconstruction Process

Take a screenshot of the page and, starting from the top, number every element.

Now study every annotation from top to bottom.

For, now I just want to force your brain to slow down and focus on understanding the nature of the product that’s being sold and the hopes of the buyer looking to buy it. Imagine being at a retail store and seeing a shopper studying this item. Empathize with them but also feel the excitement of how this product will make that consumer’s life better.

What Next?

We allocate 2-hours for Deconstruction. At the end of that process, we have a very good idea of what the page is trying to pitch. The process of Deconstruction also creates mental space to note questions.

So What Sort of Questions Am I Noting?

These are the sorts of questions I ask, some of which I ask every client (these have been personalized for YETI and their tumbler, but I think you’ll see how most of these can be applied to your business and product as well):

– How is this different from other insulated tumblers I’ve tried?
– At $35 this is expensive, is that a good deal for what I’m getting?
– The page talks about double-wall vacuum insulation technology. What makes that unique?

Next Steps: What Do I Do With These Answers?

If you’re working with a client, then you want to make sure you’re getting detailed, honest, unfiltered answers — their stream of consciousness on paper (i.e., answers that don’t sound polished for a shopper on their product page). You’ll work on editing the copy yourself, so you can remove anything that seems unnecessary or not very compelling.

If you’re working on your own site, then the same is true. Don’t answer these questions as if you’re speaking with a customer. Just get everything on paper, then work on doing your copy magic afterward.

Some answers may not feel compelling. That’s a cue to ask the question again, maybe in a different way. Don’t accept the first answer the first time if it’s not good enough!

Once you’ve done deconstruction and know the answers to these questions, you’ll discover the core Selling Angles you need to focus on. From there, you’ll be able to start making improvements to your page. First, you need to learn more about what Selling Angles are here.

Is the concept of Deconstruction clear? /


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    Comments 2


    Loved the concept of deconstruction by annotating and then trying to understand the purpose of each of the items there from a customer’s point of view. Makes you truly become closer to the customer rather than just skimming and your brain going, Yeah yeah I know why that exists on the page.

    avatar post author

    Exactly right my friend. Glad you liked the article.



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