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Sales Pitch Readability

To explain the importance of sales pitch readability we’d like to start with a short story.

The bestseller on a direct-to-consumer eCom site is generating $100 million in online sales. Serious bloody number.

They hire this incredible copywriter who crafts an incredible product page Sales Pitch.

The work is loved by the marketing team.

Can the project be considered successful?


Because writing great copy isn’t enough.

There is a very specific metric you need to be looking at:

What percentage of page visitors reached the closing of my pitch?

If, by the end of the project, that number isn’t significantly higher the project is a failure.

If the new content doesn’t get the visitor to read to the bottom of the sales pitch then the visitor will not buy.

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    What Happens

    As the reader is going down your sales pitch they are making sense of the pitch. They will buy only if the overall pitch connects with them.

    Most Important Metric for Copywriter is sales pitch readability

    As a marketer, I need to measure how much of my content this new visitor consumed.

    Video Explanation of Sales Pitch Readability

    Knowing How Far Down the Reader Went

    To do this we need to add digital markers along the length of the sales pitch. Interactions with these markers signal that a section of copy was noticed. We call these digital markers Feedback Beacons.

    You can learn all about Feedback Beacons in this article: How Using Feedback Beacons Is Basically Cheating.


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