Recently Viewed sells a huge selection office supplies— from dozen varieties of ink cartridges to paper products. Shoppers who are browsing multiple product pages might have a hard time keeping track. This is why has a prominent floating element (anchored to the bottom of page) that displays recently viewed items.
Closed state—
Open state—
What I like about this tactic—
1: Makes recently viewed items super accessible. Shoppers can browse around freely knowing their shortlisted items are just a few pixels away. Eliminates the need to use the shopping cart as a temporary holding spot.
2: Minimalistic design that nicely blends into the existing site design. This frees vital screen real-estate for marketing more products.
Comments 1
Tim Leighton-Boyce (@timlb)
That’s an interesting idea. For this to really work it would be great if it became adopted as a widespread design pattern, such as the ‘promo bar’ beneath the header.