Marketing Is Communicating Your Values to the Buyer
Product development is a series of decisions about things the brand values.
There is the value decision about where to source raw materials from.
The value decision about the skill level of the workers who work on your product.
The value decision about the quality of the final product.
The value decision about how long it’ll last.
And once the manufacturing is done, there are value decisions about how the product is marketed and supported.
The value decision about where you’ll advertise your product.
The value decision of whether you will rely on discounts.
The value decision of how many product variants you’ll make for the buyer.
The value decision of how you’ll support buyers post-purchase.
Basically, the whole process is a series of value decisions.
Oh, by the way:
Hi, I’m Rishi.
So my recommendation is that while marketing should talk about the product and how it stacks up against the competition, it should also be about communicating your values.
Are You a Marketer?
If you are, and you want to maximize website conversion rates, read this: Communicating 3 Core Ideas to Site Visitors.