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Marketing Ideas: GIFs on Product Pages

We know videos convert like crazy.

But the visitor isn’t always in a position to listen to a video with audio.

Solution: insert animated gifs on the product page to demonstrate a key feature of the product.

In this case hai showerhead is demonstrating its no-brainer self-install feature.

Marketing Ideas GIFs on Product Pages

But There’s a Catch

As you probably noticed, it’s hard to read the post while the clip is playing in an infinite loop. Here’s my solution: play it twice. Then pause it and add a play button on top of the paused clip so the user can click it if they want to see it again.

Two Loop Marketing Ideas GIFs on Product Pages

If You Decide to Add GIFs on Product Pages

This (see video below) is a brilliant invention and their product page has an animated gif that brilliantly shows how the product works.

Wish they had a little share button below the animated gif so shoppers could share that gif on their social media.

Such animated demonstrations have an opportunity to generate 10x more sales via social sharing. The gif does the whole selling.

Click to play

Further Reading

We hope you enjoyed this article about using animated gifs on product pages.

This article is a supporting article to its parent article: Words Kick Video’s Ass.

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