Case Studies

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32.38% Lift in Sales for Best Seller

  • Goal:
  • Solution:
    • Our idea was to ask users what health issue they experience, then show them real customer reviews that address that exact issue.
  • Outcome:
    • 32.38% lift in sales on this product page.


We love working with businesses that have solved big problems. Silver Fern™ Brand is one of those businesses. The problem? Most probiotics are ineffective because they don’t contain what their labels say and they don’t survive long enough to reach your gut. Silver Fern™ has its probiotic’s strains DNA verified by a third-party lab. Their probiotic is 100% guaranteed to survive through the acidic environment of your stomach.

Our Hypothesis

If we can get users to tell us the specific health issues they experience and show them customer reviews that talk about how the Ultimate Probiotic helped address those exact issues, then we can get users to see the value in this probiotic. In turn, this will increase conversions.

Test Concept

While working with Silver Fern™, we learned about the 8 biggest signs that someone may have a “leaky gut”. These are the signs: food sensitivities, mood issues, chronic fatigue, malabsorption, autoimmune diseases, inflamed bowel, inflamed skin, and allergies & asthma. That’s a pretty big list, so we knew that anyone coming to this product page likely experiences one or more of these.

Near the top of the product page (just below the fold), we added the section in the green box below:

Our personalization concept to boost conversions.
Interactive checklist that allows users to select what “leaky gut” symptom(s) they are experiencing

After a user selects the symptom(s) they are experiencing and clicks the “What’s the solution? >” button, they see a lightbox window that features reviews related to the user’s selection. For example, if a user selects “Food Sensitivities” and “Mood Swings”, they see this:

Lightbox window showing customer reviews related to the user’s selection

As you can see, the customer reviews that are shown are directly related to the symptoms that were selected earlier.


We ran this as an A/B test and, after 2 weeks, our variation was declared the winner. It improved conversions by 32.38% and revenue by 32.32%:

Personalizations Boost Conversions Case Study. Test results.
Silver Fern Brand A/B Test Results

Why Our Concept Won

We believe our concept won because it immediately addressed the main issue that was important to the user. Instead of relying on the user reading through all the content on the page to hopefully learn about how the Ultimate Probiotic could alleviate their health issue(s), we brought that content directly to them at the top of the page. Better yet, we didn’t even make a pitch to the user — Silver Fern™’s real customers did with their reviews!

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