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Popups Suck; This Technique Is 6.7x More Effective

  • Goal:
    • Convert shoppers who are super engaged but not ready to buy today.
  • Solution:
    • Instead of showing an annoying popup, our idea is to subtly embed the signup request on the page.
  • Outcome:
    • 6.7x increase in email signups.


The most important page on your site is your product page. 90% of our scientific copywriting magic happens here. What if a buyer is sold on your product story but is not ready to buy today?

If we let them leave and return on their own there is a real chance that life will get in the way and they’ll forget. And this happens even if your product story truly is compelling.

The most effective strategy for people who aren’t ready to buy today is to get their email address so we can stay on top of mind.

The most common (and annoying) way to capture an email on a product page is a show an exit-intent popup. This is shown to people leaving the page.

Our Hypothesis

There are lots of issues with exit-intent popups: from the fact that they often false trigger when the user is simply going to the top of the page to the fact that they are a popup (no one likes something randomly appearing in front of them).

What if, instead of interrupting with a popup, we applied a more subtle treatment?

Test Concept

In our concept, we naturally introduced a question in the conversation. The purpose of the question is to understand if the buyer is in research or buy today mode.

We know people in research mode need more time. For this group, we developed a hook to get signups.

The concept used 2 techniques so I’ve made a quick video to explain what we did:


For the first 30 days, we only showed an exit-intent popup. Then, for 23 days we applied this pop up alternative subtle technique.

The subtle technique was 6.7x more effective at getting signups.

If you liked this sales-boosting concept I guarantee you’ll be blown away by this: How One Section Lifted Overall Sales.

Why Our Concept Won

Popups are a great way to get attention but they are so out of context. The user isn’t asking for it; it just appears. Also, marketers have overused pop-ups so much shoppers close them without even reading the offer (we’ve A/B tested this). But if the email signup prompt is part of the product story conversation then it’s so much more natural for the reader + now the reader is shown the prompt at a part of the story where the request is most relevant.

Want a FREE concept for your site? »

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